Content Direction
Creative Direction
Digital Strategy
Marketing Strategy



Tropical Melt landed in stores and online in April 2020 as a limited edition product, and sold out in just 6 hours on Our goal was to relaunch this product in 2021 as a permanent member of the Kopari lineup, without cannibalizing the original hero product, Coconut Melt. Kopari wanted to re-educate the consumer on the ethical sourcing of the brand’s premium coconuts and the multitude of uses of Kopari’s Coconut Melt. 



Our team developed and implemented a 360 campaign launch strategy across marketing, social, influencer, retail, and digital channels to exceed sales goals and marketing KPI’s. Through compelling creative crafted both in-house and with photography partners, influencer activation, and a branded Ulta endcap, we beat sales forecasts and exceeded our goal for this product launch.

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