Packaging Design
Creative Direction
Content Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Kopari is a leader in the natural deodorant category—launching their OG Coconut Deodorant in 2018, the plant-based product now has over 15,000 five-star reviews and six different scents. With the launch of the Armpit Detox Mask, Kopari sought to build on their current credibility in the natural deodorant category with ancillary products that support the Google-Trending armpit detox (what better time than a pandemic to detox your pits?!).
Detoxing your armpits isn’t exactly a sexy marketing message. But by positioning the consumer’s armpits as being worthy of skincare—your pits have pores too!—the Armpit Detox Mask became a fun self-care treat in addition to a more clinical product. This hit on two unique trends we identified during 2020: the armpit detox, and self care from home. Our 360 marketing strategy sought not only to tell the story of an efficacious, clean product that will help consumers transition to natural deodorant, but also to educate the consumer on the benefits of natural deodorant. In order to convey the product efficacy without feeling too clinical or gimmicky, we used crisp blues, model shots in situ, and created step-by-step usage content in-house.